Number of Volumes


 Number of Issues


 Number of Articles


 Number of Contributors


 Number of Submissions


 Accepted Submissions


 Acceptance Rate


 Time to Accept (Days)


 Number of Indexing Databases


 Number of Reviewers



Dear users of the Journal of Research and Rural Planning

Note1: The Journal of Research and Rural Planning (JRRP) has been published bi-quarterly (2 issues per year) since April 2012 and has been published quarterly (4 issues per year) since April 2014.

 Note2: Based on the latest decision, the Office of the Journal of Research and Rural  Planning informs all researchers and scholars that due to the publication of the journal in English, the journal will not receive any fees  (Page Charge) for publishing articles from the authors.

Note3: Journal of Research and Rural Planning as the Core Journals was ranked Q1 in the last evaluation of the Islamic World Citation Database (ISC) in 2018 with an impact factor of 0.529 and a self-citation of 7.2%.

Note4: The Scientific Journal of Research & Rural Planning was awarded "A" rating for the third year in a row in the assessment of 2022 by the Policy and Planning Office of Research Affairs of MSRT.

Current Issue: Volume 13, Issue 1 - Serial Number 44, April 2024, Pages 1-140 

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