Purpose: Despite much evidence on consumers' behaviors and veterinarians' perspectives against Covid-19, nor have the past inquiries surveyed ranchers and livestock breeders' hygiene behaviors against Covid-19, serving as the main actors in the supply chain of livestock-product. Therefore, this study intends to be notified of the hygiene behaviors of ranchers and sheep farmers to curtail the spread of Covid-19. Design/Methodology/Approach: Using the theory of planned behavior and health belief model, this study contributes to predicting sheep farmers' behaviors in Maragheh County, northwestern Iran (2021-2022). Based on the quantitative paradigm and non-experimental research design, the study benefits from the cross-sectional survey to gather the data of 207 sheep farmers using questionnaire. To analyze the data, linear regression model (LRM), analysis of variance, and univariate GLM were used. Findings: Using the Univariate General Linear Modeling (UGLM), it was found that subjective norms (SNs) ( ) and perceived behavioral control (PBC) ( ) have a significant influence on behavior, further, these factors have different variate values at three levels of production unit type, inclusive of mechanized (n = 27), semi-mechanized (n = 47), and traditional (n = 133), most value of SNs and PBC falls under the category of traditional production units. The interaction of the SNs variable (SNs × Production Unit) with the levels of the production unit is statistically significant (F = 1.87, p < 0.05; ). Original/Value: This study fulfilled the knowledge gap of the factors that contribute to forecasting hygiene behaviors of sheep farmers against Covid-19. The agenda of recommendations would have impacts on health and wellbeing of not just sheep farmers but also public people by promoting the preventive behaviors of ranchers and sheep farmers against the spread of Covid-19.
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Abadi, B. , and Alambeigi, A. . "Factors affecting ongoing preventive behaviors of sheep farmers against the prevalence of Covid-19", Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 13, 3, 2024, 51-72. doi: 10.22067/jrrp.v13i3.2205-1047
Abadi, B., Alambeigi, A. (2024). 'Factors affecting ongoing preventive behaviors of sheep farmers against the prevalence of Covid-19', Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 13(3), pp. 51-72. doi: 10.22067/jrrp.v13i3.2205-1047
B. Abadi and A. Alambeigi, "Factors affecting ongoing preventive behaviors of sheep farmers against the prevalence of Covid-19," Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 13 3 (2024): 51-72, doi: 10.22067/jrrp.v13i3.2205-1047
Abadi, B., Alambeigi, A. Factors affecting ongoing preventive behaviors of sheep farmers against the prevalence of Covid-19. Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 2024; 13(3): 51-72. doi: 10.22067/jrrp.v13i3.2205-1047
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