Purpose- Undoubtedly, the correct performance of any activity and the successful performance of any role in the field of handicrafts depends on the interest and motivation of the workers to get familiar with its skills and methods and to use the special methods of that technique in the production of products. Baghlan province which is located in the northeast of Afghanistan, about 50% of the population of this province is women, and recently, most of the rural women of this province have turned to the handicraft industry of Balochi to improve their income. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the production status of the handicraft industry of Balochi women and the role of motivating factors of job performance and job satisfaction on the development of the handicraft industry of Balochi. Design/methodology/approach- The main research tool was a questionnaire the validity of which was confirmed by the lecturers of the agricultural extension and economics and the department of sociology of Baghlan university, and Cronbach's alpha confirmed its reliability. The statistical population was all the rural women working in the handicraft industry of Baghlan province, which was selected by purposive sampling (192) samples. Finding- Results showed that all three independent variables, motivational factors, job performance and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on the development of the handicraft industry of Balochi women, and explained 59% of the changes in the dependent variable. So, with confidence, it can be said that increasing motivation, job performance and job satisfaction lead to the development of the needlework industry among rural women. Originality/value– The results of this study, especially concerning due to the lack of sufficient and appropriate empirical literature in Afghanistan, can play a major role in providing correct insight to the rural development officials, job creation and poverty reduction in Afghanistan.
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Shaiq, M. A. , and Fitrat, A. . "Effects of Motivating, Job Performance and Job Satisfaction Factors on the Development of the Handicraft Khamak Dozi (Baluchi) Afghan Rural Women", Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 13, 2, 2024, 55-68. doi: 10.22067/jrrp.v13i2.2405-1101
Shaiq, M. A., Fitrat, A. (2024). 'Effects of Motivating, Job Performance and Job Satisfaction Factors on the Development of the Handicraft Khamak Dozi (Baluchi) Afghan Rural Women', Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 13(2), pp. 55-68. doi: 10.22067/jrrp.v13i2.2405-1101
M. A. Shaiq and A. Fitrat, "Effects of Motivating, Job Performance and Job Satisfaction Factors on the Development of the Handicraft Khamak Dozi (Baluchi) Afghan Rural Women," Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 13 2 (2024): 55-68, doi: 10.22067/jrrp.v13i2.2405-1101
Shaiq, M. A., Fitrat, A. Effects of Motivating, Job Performance and Job Satisfaction Factors on the Development of the Handicraft Khamak Dozi (Baluchi) Afghan Rural Women. Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 2024; 13(2): 55-68. doi: 10.22067/jrrp.v13i2.2405-1101
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