Identifying Strategies to Make Villages Smarter with the Aim of Improving the Quality of Life (Case Study: Kalar County, Sulaymaniyah Province, Kurdistan Region)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Razi University, Iran.

2 Germian university,Kurdestan,Iraq


Purpose- The widespread use of virtual platforms has become a common practice in present management, and rural areas are identified as a sector that can greatly benefit from this technology. Statistic data in the field of communication and information technology exhibit a significant increase in internet access in rural areas, a trend that is on the rise globally. The successful implementation of smart village initiatives in Asia shows a promising way to improve life in rural areas, overcome existing challenges, prevent the collapse of social structures, and counteract the problem of rural exodus. It can be argued that by advancing information technology and smart village initiatives, life quality in rural areas can be positively impacted.
Design/methodology/approach- The research population comprised the entire statistical community of four districts in Kalar County. Three villages were randomly selected from each district, resulting in a total of 150 samples from 262 households, using the Cochran formula with a 5% error rate. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed through content validity and Cronbach's alpha.
Finding- The results of this study indicated that the existing infrastructure for smart village development in the rural areas of Kalar County is in an unsatisfactory condition. Additionally, the level of knowledge and information of residents regarding the smartification process in the study area is insufficient. Moreover, the effectiveness of this emerging process in improving the life quality for the local population was not as impactful as expected. The driving and inhibiting factors affecting the development of smart villages in Kalar County do not align with optimistic expectations hindering the desired outcomes.


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