Purpose- Social responsibility for environmental protection at all levels and strata of society is an issue that is explicitly emphasized in paragraph 14 of the General Environmental Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the villagers as the main users of environmental resources are expected to take environmental responsibility without exception. The purpose of this study was to investigate and identify level of responsibility of environmental behaviors of villagers and determine social factors affecting it. Design/methodology/approach- In this research, the framework of social psychology was used and the research method was survey and cross-sectional. The unit of analysis is the rural individuals. The statistical population of the study is all residents of rural areas of Mazandaran province in 1398/2019. The sampling method of multi-stage cluster sampling was used. The number of study villages surveyed was 30 villages and the sample size was 536 people. The data required for the research were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire. Finding- The results showed that the level of responsible environmental behavior of villagers is at a moderate level. In addition, the results of multivariate analyzes indicate that there is a significant relationship between social psychological factors (religious beliefs, environmental values and environmental knowledge) and responsible behaviors towards the environment. In the final evaluation, it can be said that the modified model of social psychological factors seems a suitable model for studying factors affecting environmental behaviors in rural communities and can be useful as a model for conducting similar research in other rural areas of the country.
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Salehi, S. , , Khoshfar, G. , and Mirzakhani, S. . "Environmental Responsibility in Rural Areas (Case Study: Rural Areas of Mazandaran Province)", Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 10, 1, 2021, 101-115. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I1.88785
Salehi, S., Khoshfar, G., Mirzakhani, S. (2021). 'Environmental Responsibility in Rural Areas (Case Study: Rural Areas of Mazandaran Province)', Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 10(1), pp. 101-115. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I1.88785
S. Salehi , G. Khoshfar and S. Mirzakhani, "Environmental Responsibility in Rural Areas (Case Study: Rural Areas of Mazandaran Province)," Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 10 1 (2021): 101-115, doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I1.88785
Salehi, S., Khoshfar, G., Mirzakhani, S. Environmental Responsibility in Rural Areas (Case Study: Rural Areas of Mazandaran Province). Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 2021; 10(1): 101-115. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I1.88785
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