Purpose- Basically, one of the physical planning patterns in Iran is the rural guidance [Hadi] plan that has been considered in the path of rural development planning since the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Preparing and implementing rural guidance [Hadi] plans with more than three decades of experience is one of the most fundamental proceedings is executed to enhance the physical development of Iranian villages. The implementation history of these plans over many periods indicates many challenges in the process of preparing, approving and implementing guidance [Hadi] plans. Design/methodology/approach- The main purpose of the present study was to analyze the challenges in the process of preparation, approval and implementation. For this purpose, we interviewed 12 individuals who had a background in conducting the guidance [Hadi] plan. Therefore, in this study, the research method was based on qualitative method and was used to analyze the data collected by MAXQDA software. Finding- The results show that the challenges in the process of preparing the conductor plans are Service description (29.73%), Partnership (33.78%), Organizational and systems (29.73%) and Consultants Characteristics (6.76%). In challenges existing in implementing Guidance [Hadi] plans, 2 main axes are also addressed by the interviewees, including participation and the rules. In the partnership axis, the limited participation of villagers in the implementation of plans with the weight of 100 was more important than other sub-axes. Since the villagers have minimal participation in the two processes of plan preparation and approval, it is, therefore, foreseeable to have limited participation in the process of implementation. Originality/value-This is significant because for the first time, a study is being conducted at this level on the challenges of preparing and implementing a Rural Guidance [Hadi] Plans. The paper should be of interest to readers in the areas of Middle East & world.
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Anabestani, A. , Soleymani, Z. and Ataei, P. (2022). Challenges of Physical Planning in Iranian Villages with Emphasis on Rural Guidance [Hadi] Plans. Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 11(1), 103-119. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V11I1.2203.1041
Anabestani, A. , , Soleymani, Z. , and Ataei, P. . "Challenges of Physical Planning in Iranian Villages with Emphasis on Rural Guidance [Hadi] Plans", Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 11, 1, 2022, 103-119. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V11I1.2203.1041
Anabestani, A., Soleymani, Z., Ataei, P. (2022). 'Challenges of Physical Planning in Iranian Villages with Emphasis on Rural Guidance [Hadi] Plans', Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 11(1), pp. 103-119. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V11I1.2203.1041
A. Anabestani , Z. Soleymani and P. Ataei, "Challenges of Physical Planning in Iranian Villages with Emphasis on Rural Guidance [Hadi] Plans," Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 11 1 (2022): 103-119, doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V11I1.2203.1041
Anabestani, A., Soleymani, Z., Ataei, P. Challenges of Physical Planning in Iranian Villages with Emphasis on Rural Guidance [Hadi] Plans. Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 2022; 11(1): 103-119. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V11I1.2203.1041
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