Purpose- The study aims to identify the main problems of temporary accommodation strategies and to discuss some principles and guidelines in order to assist decision-makers for choosing the most suitable strategy and reach better temporary accommodation solutions. Design/methodology/approach-The present research is of applied type and has been done by descriptive- analytical method. Documentary and library methods have been used to collect information. In this study, the main focus is on providing qualitative components of post-disaster accommodation in the form of a strategic model as a platform for decision makers in crisis situations. Findings- This research presents a comprehensive strategy in temporary accommodation planning for decision makers by separating the two organizational and technical parts into three main parts (strategic, programmed and project level). To make the necessary decisions based on the personalization of the effective factors in each situation. Research limitations/implications- At the time of the disaster, due to emergency, it is impossible to address all the parameters affecting the planning of temporary accommodation. In addition, each affected area has its own individual circumstances, which lead to the choice of its own strategy. It is essential to address the pre-disaster planning process and to have a model that can cover human error and consider the correspondence between the former and the new. Practical implications- By applying a systematic strategy of temporary accommodation, in each area according to local data, while determining the stages of necessary activities in the time pre- disaster, disaster and post- disaster, can reduce the risks of crisis and increase resilience in the affected communities. Originality/value- This article initiated an innovative systematic strategy of temporary accommodation which, be considered a series of actions as processes for fulfilling certain needs rather than as objects only such as tents or buildings.
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Asgari Namin, E. , , Javan Forouzandeh, A. , , Asefi, M. , and Shakeri, K. . "Explaining the Model of Post-Disaster Temporary Accommodation Strategy (Case Study: Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah)", Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 10, 3, 2021, 39-60. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I3.88506
Asgari Namin, E., Javan Forouzandeh, A., Asefi, M., Shakeri, K. (2021). 'Explaining the Model of Post-Disaster Temporary Accommodation Strategy (Case Study: Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah)', Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 10(3), pp. 39-60. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I3.88506
E. Asgari Namin , A. Javan Forouzandeh , M. Asefi and K. Shakeri, "Explaining the Model of Post-Disaster Temporary Accommodation Strategy (Case Study: Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah)," Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 10 3 (2021): 39-60, doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I3.88506
Asgari Namin, E., Javan Forouzandeh, A., Asefi, M., Shakeri, K. Explaining the Model of Post-Disaster Temporary Accommodation Strategy (Case Study: Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah). Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 2021; 10(3): 39-60. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I3.88506
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