Purpose- Aim of this study was to interpret the effect of perceived quality and perceived value on tourists’ loyalty by the mediation of satisfaction and destination image in the three tourism target villages of Yazd province (located in central Iran). Design/methodology/approach- Present study is applied research regarding the objective and the type of research is a descriptive correlation. The population of the study consists of all incoming tourists to three tourism villages of Yazd province (Kharanagh, Saryazd, and Sadeghabad). Participants were 200 visitors to three villages of Yazd province that were selected using the convenience sampling method. They all completed the perceived quality, perceived value, satisfaction, destination image, and loyalty scales in a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the path analysis model (LISREL software). Findings- The study shows that there is a positive and significant relation between tourists’ loyalty and perceived quality, between tourists’ loyalty and perceived value, between tourists’ loyalty and destination image, and between tourists’ loyalty and satisfaction. Moreover, perceived quality and perceived value have a direct, significant effect on tourists' loyalty. Perceived quality by the mediation of destination image has an indirect effect on tourists 'loyalty; perceived quality by the mediation of satisfaction has an indirect and meaningful effect on tourists 'loyalty; perceived value by the mediation of destination image has an indirect effect on tourists' loyalty; perceived value by the mediation of satisfaction has an indirect and meaningful effect on tourists' loyalty.
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Mohammad Reza Asadi Zarch; Mohammad Najjarzadeh; Sakineh Jafari. "Interpret Influencing Factors on Revisit Intention to Rural Tourism Destinations in Yazd Province", Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 10, 3, 2021, 61-80. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I3.89623
Asadi Zarch, M. Reza, Najjarzadeh, M., Jafari, S. (2021). 'Interpret Influencing Factors on Revisit Intention to Rural Tourism Destinations in Yazd Province', Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 10(3), pp. 61-80. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I3.89623
M. Reza Asadi Zarch , M. Najjarzadeh and S. Jafari, "Interpret Influencing Factors on Revisit Intention to Rural Tourism Destinations in Yazd Province," Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 10 3 (2021): 61-80, doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I3.89623
Asadi Zarch, M. Reza, Najjarzadeh, M., Jafari, S. Interpret Influencing Factors on Revisit Intention to Rural Tourism Destinations in Yazd Province. Journal of Research and Rural Planning, 2021; 10(3): 61-80. doi: 10.22067/JRRP.V10I3.89623
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